Workshops (2005-2022)

SiNANO Institute Workshops at ESSDERC/ESSCIRC

The SINANO Workshops are hold since 2005 during the ESSDERC-ESSCIRC conferences that take place every year. Over the next quarter century considerable challenges exist to push the limits of silicon integration down to nanometric dimensions and to enhance device performance in order to meet the ever increasing demands of communication and computing. The aim of these workshops is to present the status and trends of CMOS and beyond-CMOS nanodevices for terascale ICs.

Formerly supported by the Sinano Network of Excellence, then by the SiNANO Institute, the NANOSIL Network of Excellence, the NANOFUNCTION Network of Excellence and the Guardian Angels FET Flagship, they are now supported by the SiNANO Institute.

Ukrainian-French Seminars