“Wide Bandgap Semiconductors for Energy Efficiency and RF communications” WORKSHOP @ESSDERC2022

Wide Bandgap Semiconductors for Energy Efficiency and RF communications Joint WORKSHOP at ESSDERC2022

The SINANO Institute organizes in Milano its 17th edition of the SINANO workshop at ESSDERC-ESSCIRC  on Sept. 18, 2022 morning jointly with the IUNET-University of Padova’s colleague!

Wide bandgap semiconductors are creating a revolution in the field of power electronics. The goal of this tutorial is to discuss wide bandgap semiconductors for application in next generation power converters and RF communications.

More on: Workshop Webpage


  • Presentation of the SINANO Institute by Enrico Sangiorgi, IUNET and Director Emeritus of the SINANO Institute
  • Design and fabrication of GaN power devices by Farid Medjdoub (IEMN – CNRS, FR)

    GaN-based devices for both high efficiency switching and RF applications in modern power electronics are increasingly moving into the focus of worldwide research and development activities. Due to their unique material properties GaN power devices are distinguished by featuring a combination of high breakdown voltages, high electron mobility, low on-state resistances and fast switching properties. These devices show promise for both existing as well as emerging applications. Various device concepts to address the specific needs of each of these areas are under intensive development by groups around the world. This tutorial will provide an overview of the material properties, device structures, and fabrication processing issues surrounding this emerging device technology. It will especially discuss technological ways towards engineering higher performances.

    Trapping and reliability of wide bandgap devices by Carlo De Santi (University of Padova, IT)

    In this presentation, we will review the most critical parasitic effects that can limit the dynamic performance and reliability of wide bandgap based devices. The presentation will focus on both experimental characterization data and material analysis, to provide insight on the most useful characterization techniques and on how to interpret the results. Furthermore, newly-developed theoretical models able to explain the experimental findings will be covered, supported by numerical simulations.

    TCAD modeling of GaN-based RF and power devices by Giovanni Verzellesi (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, IT)

    Understanding parasitic phenomena that limit the performance, stability, and reliability of GaN-based RF and power HEMTs is essential for the optimization of these key technologies. In this talk, we discuss the contributions that TCAD simulation has given to the achievement of the above goal.