SiNANO Competences

Neuromorphic Computing THM

  • Modeling ofmemristor-based ANN with inherent stochastic learning
  • Modeling and simulation of various synaptic devices
  • Simulation, modeling and design of ANN
  • Organic synaptic devices


  • IMEP-LaHC: Device modelling and simulation of Oxide based ReRAm
  • LMGP: Multilevel analogue type resistive switching devices


  • Politecnico of Milano
    • Neuromorphic devices: fabrication and characterization
    • Neuromorphic circuits: design and simulations
  • University of Udine
    • Ferroelectric based memristors: Ferroelectric Tunnelling Junctions (FTJs) and FeFETs
  • University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
    • Neuromorphic circuit design and simulation


  • Coordinator of large German project “NEUROSYS”: Neuromorphic Hardware for Autonomous Artificial Intelligence Systems


  • Synapse and neuron devices
  • Memristor devices and their integration with CMO


  • Resistive switching devices (ReRAM): characterization and modeling.

Uppsala University

  • Tactile perception and artificial tactile peripheral nervous system
  • Full inorganic flexible memory device


  • Multi-level Non-volatile memory; Device design and fabrication (micrometre and nanometre scales), structural and electrical characterisation of materials and devices, performance analysis and modelling
  • Synaptic Transistors
  • Ferroelectric and Multiferroic materials
  • Atomic-scale simulations of materials (semimetals, semiconductors, oxides, organic materials, etc) including the effects of doping, vacancies and other defect types. Also, atomic-scale quantum transport simulations of nanoelectronic devices, including field-effect transistors, heterostructures, memories, metal-material interface, spin-based devices.

University of Twente

  • Device architectures
  • Device fabrication,
  • Network architectures,
  • AI


  • Design and simulation of neuromorphic circuits using organic and oxide devices


  • UGR: Fabrication and characterization of neuromorphic circuits using alternative materials

University of Glasgow

  • Simulations of RRAM
  • Simulation and Fabrication of hybrid (organic/inorganic) memories


  • Ferroelectric domain physics
  • Ferroelectric domain wall physics
  • Self-power electronics based on toxic-free 2D ferroelectric and ferroic materials (oxides, halide perovskites and MXenes)
Phonon engineering  Warsaw University of Technology

  • Fabrication of phononic crystals using ultra high resolution e-beam lithography and anisotropic and highly selective silicon etching


  • Multiscale (ab initio, molecular dynamics, finite elements) determination of thermal transport coefficients and heat flows.

Uppsala University

  • Simulation and engineering of thermal conduction in nanostructures


  • Phonons in confined systems


  • Phonon transport in layered materials
  • Nanoscale thermal transport physics and instrumentation
  • Optomechanics
  • Topological phononics
  • Thermal properties of ferroelectrics and antiferroelectrics
  • Electrocaloric effect
  • Direct Spatially resolved Phonon detection by EELS-STEM
Small slope switches-NW/TFET/NEMS THM

  • Simulation and modeling of TFET, JL-FET, SB-FET, NW, RFET


  • IMEP-LaHC: Simulation of steep slope device with NEGF


  • Phase change materials (VO2 )


  • University of Udine
    • Modelling and simulations of:
      • Tunnel-FETs
      • Negative Capacitance FETs
      • Piezoelectric FETs
  • University of Pisa
    • Modeling of devices based on tunnel barriers with non-equilibrium Green’s functions tools (in house nanotcad VIDES) and with commercial device simulator
  • University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
    • Device and mixed Device-circuit modeling and simulations
    • Noise and Variability analysis

Warsaw University of Technology

  • Reliability and variability of TFET devices and structures (i.e., CV/IV characterization, Split-CV, and Charge Pumping), extraction of electrical properties of fabricated materials and structures, transport mechanisms identification
  • Design and modeling of transport in TFET


  • NW transistors
  • TFETs


  • Device design and fabrication (micrometre and nanometre scales), structural and electrical characterisation of materials and devices, performance analysis and modelling
  • Characterisation and modelling of devices (e-beam lithography, sub 10nm wafer scale processing); Strong track record in Si processing, device fabrication and electrical test; Optimise process parameters
  • Material/process specific metrology: design and experimentation. Electron beam lithography (EBL). Nanoscale processing: etching, lift off. Crossover of top-down and bottom-up approaches

University of Twente

  • Ferroelectrics-based devices;
  • Piezoelectric-based devices;
  • Device architecture
  • Device fabrication
  • Device modeling


  • Monte Carlo simulation of TFETs and NWs


  • Physically-based compact modeling of TFETs

University of Glasgow

  • Electronic transport simulation using NEGF solvers.
  • Simulation using self-consistent Schrödinger Poisson solvers


  • Atomic scale STEM related characterization of the related heterostructure
  • Nano-optoelectromechanical systems (NOEMS)
Alternative materials-2D layers GINP

  • IMEP-LaHC: Quantum simulation of 2D material device (Graphene, MoS2 etc
  • IMEP-LaHC: Complex dielectric permittivity measurement specific samples and in-situ
  • LMGP: Lamellar dichalcogenides by Atomic Layer Deposition


  • Graphene


  • University of Udine
    • Graphene and 2D gapped materials transistors
    • Resistance in metal-2D material contacts
  • University of Pisa
    • Modeling of devices based on 2D materials, on topological insulators
  • University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
    • Electrical characterization and modeling
  • Politecnico of Milano
    • Development of devices based on 2D semiconductors

Warsaw University of Technology

  • Integration of 2D materials (molybdenum sulfide – MoS2, and graphene) and nanocrystals (Si, SiC) for modern optoelectronic and photonic structures
  • Graphene transfer onto Si substrate


  • 2D materials based devices and characterization
  • Participant in:
    •  Graphene Flagship
    • 2D Experimental Pilot line
    • other EU/national projects


  • Electrical characterization of 2D nanodevices.
  • Development of specialized characterization set-ups.

Uppsala University

  • Graphene and transition metal dichalcogenide
  • Sputter deposition of sulfide-based 2D materials


  • Developing in the next generation of logic switches which will be used in applications, covering: nanoelectronics, flexible electronics, mobile communications and low power sensor technologies.
  • Characterisation and modelling of devices fabricated from 2D Materials (e-beam lithography, sub 10nm wafer scale processing); Strong track record in Si processing, device fabrication and electrical test;
    Optimise process parameters; Electrical test at cryogenic temperatures and understand the physics of device behaviour
  • Atomic-scale simulations of materials (semimetals, semiconductors, oxides, organic materials, etc) including the effects of doping, vacancies and other defect types. Also, atomic-scale quantum transport simulations of nanoelectronic devices, including field-effect transistors, heterostructures, memories, metal-material interface, spin-based devices.
  • Device design and fabrication (micrometre and nanometre scales), structural and electrical characterisation of materials and devices, performance analysis and modelling
  • ALD Wafer Scale Growth of 2D Materials
  • 2D Materials for RF applications; scalability for low cost manufacture (Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, MicroRaman Spectroscopy, Infrared Spectroscopy Optical Spectrophotometry)

University of Twente

  • Atomic layer deposition of ultra-thin films (insulators, semiconductors, conductors)


  • Growth, characterization of 2D materials. Fabrication of electron devices based on 2D materials. Simulation of 2D materials and 2D materials devices (ab-initio, Monte Carlo and TCAD).
  • Monte Carlo simulation of III-V based devices (TFETs)


  • Adaptation of Si MOSFET models to TMD MOSFETs


  • Ultrafast processes in graphene and related 2D materials
  • Polycrystalline and amorphous 2D materials
  • Free-standing oxide layers
  • Domain Walls/oxide interfaces
  • Thermal and elastic properties characterization
  • 2D ferroelectric materials and MXEnes, Pb-free materials
Novel devices for ultra-low power IUNET

  • University of Bologna
    • Solution of the Schrödinger/Poisson problem with the Non-Equilibrium Green’s Function (NEGF) formalism and implementing different Hamiltonians: non-parabolic effective mass, k*p, tight-binding
  • Politecnico of Torino
    • Design and simulation of molecular nanogap devices
  • University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
    • Physics-based and compact modeling of memristive devices


  • Nanowire FETs based on high mobility materials


  • Silicon nanofabrication

University of Twente

  • Ferroelectrics-based devices;
  • Piezoelectric-based devices;
  • Device architecture
  • Device fabrication
  • Device modeling

University of Glasgow

  • Density Functional Theory and Drift-Diffusion simulations


  • Spin, spin waves and heat interactions
  • Computational nanoelectronics from ab initio
  • Computational spintronics and electronics
  • Self-power electronics based on 2D ferroelectric and ferroic materials (oxides, halide perovskites and MXenes)

  • University of Udine
    • Semi-classical and quantum transport in 1D systems
  • University of Bologna
    • Homemade solver of the Boltzmann Transport Equation for nanowires

Uppsala University

  • Advanced silicon nanofabrication technology
  • Other 1D semiconductor nanostructures and fabrication
  • Devices based on carbon nanotubes and silicon nanowires
  • Electronics of optoelectronics of 1D structures and devices
  • Spatially and temporally resolved spectroscopy

University of Glasgow

  • CNT-based transistors and interconnects
  • Devices based on carbon nanotubes and silicon nanowires


  • Atomic scale STEM related characterization of Nanowires and nanowire network systems
  • Halide perovskites, Toxic-free halide perovskites, ferroelectric halideperovskties
Quantum Technologies & Very low temperature electronics GINP

  • IMEP-LaHC: Electrical characterization at very low temperature (<10K) of transistors for CMOS circuit addressing Qbits. Compact modelling for circuit simulation at very low T


  • University of Bologna
    • Time-dependent solution of the Schrödinger equation for the simulation of quantum bits
  • University of Padova
    • Low temperature measurements allowed by cryogenic probe-stations capable of sustaining temperatures as low as 7 K for prolonged measuring sessions. Electrical connections are provided by DC or RF probes. Optical coupling can be attained either by a dedicated optical fiber placed inside the vacuum-chamber or by leveraging an optical window placed on top of the sample stage.


  • Quantum Photonics


  • Cryogenic CMOS
  • Toplogical insulators for quantum computing
  • Superconducting quantum computing

Uppsala University

  • Advanced silicon nanodevice and nanofabrication technology


  • Superconducting devices


  • Site-controlled quantum dots, which were proven as efficient single and entangled photon emitters, both by optical excitation and electrically driven.
  • Modelling of site-controlled QD system demonstrating single and entangled photon emission
  • Expertise in atomistic modelling, in particular using methods from first-principles. Study the materials without any input parameters to predict and tune the required properties. Apply to enhance the oscillator strength and engineer external coupling
  • Cryoelectronics for quantum technology.
  • Electrical test at cryogenic temperatures and understand the physics of device behavior.
  • Quantum electronic devices and sensors. Material characterisation – electrical and TEM. Modelling of functional devices (continuum based modelling) In-situ and 3D imaging using electron and ion beam microscopy. Correlative characterisations: different modes of analysis at different length scales to obtain additional information. Material/process specific metrology: design and experimentation. Electron beam lithography (EBL). Nanoscale processing: etching, lift off, chemical surface modifications. Crossover of top-down and bottom-up approaches

University of Twente

  • Single-atom transistors (fabrication and cryogenic testing)

University of Glasgow

  • Non-Equilibrium Green’s Function Simulations
  • Quantum Simulations
  • Superconducting qubits simulations
  • Semiconductor qubits


  • Rare-earth ions
  • Quantum computation
  • Atomic scale STEM related characterization of quantum systems
  • Phonons impact on noise in quantum systems