Qurin Diagnostics BV


Website: https://qurin.com/

Contact person : Floris van den Brink – f.vandenbrink@qurin.com

Location: Amsterdam, Enschede, The Netherlands

Year of creation: 2016

Type of technology:

  • Biosensors / Biochips,
  • Artificial Intelligence-based biomarker discovery
  • Diagnostic assays (IVD)

Other possible applications of their technology:

Biomarker discovery and biochemical detection technology are widely applicable, for example, for medical, agriculture/food/seed/aquaculture or  environmental applications

Disruptive innovation (s) :

Revolutionary and low-threshold nanotechnology-based platform for (early) diagnosis, monitoring and personalized treatment of cancer and other medical conditions using urine as a liquid biopsy.

Product solutions

Early cancer detection in urine through the development of accessible and easy-to-use diagnostic tests.

Experience and/or interest in financing their product development through publicly funded projects:

Qurin has been a partner in the European INTERREG projects Rocket and Rocket Reloaded. On a national level, Qurin works together with the Dutch companies LioniX International and Surfix along with the public-private partnership PhotonDelta to accelerate the development of a photonics-based diagnostic platforms to enable fast, reliable and inexpensive point-of-care testing. Qurin is interested in joining publicly funded projects as an end-user and brings expertise in biomarker discovery (with a primary focus on cancer), diagnostic assay development, analytical validation and clinical validation.