Coordination: Grenoble INP
Contact person: Gérard Ghibaudo,
The Joint Characterization Platform has been established to allow access to the characterization facilities to all NANOSIL partners. Access can be made available to external organization.
Example of facilities concern:
Electrical characterization
- LF electrical characterization (admittance, CV, IV, 1/f noise) of silicon based materials and devices
- Room to low temperature magneto-transport in high magnetic fields (Hall, mobility…°)RF a
- nd HF characterization at wafer level up to 110 GHz and down to 30K (S parameters, noise, power)
- Transient and fast current measurements, Setup for measurements of ring oscillators
- EEPROM memory programming/erasing/retention characterizationDefects and interface quality characterization by C-V, G-w, charge pumping, DLTS, TSC, transient analysis…
- Reliability characterization (breakdown, hot carrier stress, BTI, BTS…)
- Sub-nm depth profiling for doping/mobility data in Si and strained Si
Optical characterization
- Absorption measurements, wavelength range UV-VIS-IR
- Photoluminescence (PL) and micro spot Photoluminescence (µPL)
- Laser excitation: 325 nm, 457.8nm, 488nm, 514.5nm
- Spectrometer: 350nm-1600nm
- Electroluminescence (EL): 350nm-1600nm
- Photocurrent-photovoltage (UV-VIS)
Physical and structural characterization
- Physical characterization of silicon based materials by SIMS, XRD, HRTEM, AFM, HRSEM, ellipsometry, FIB, RBS, channeling, MEIS, ESCA, XRR…
- Near field microscopy by AFM (STM, SGM, TUNA, EFM, MFM…)
- Sub-nm depth profiling of strain and composition (Si, SiGe)
- Nanoscale strain measurements using TERS with complementary finite element modeling
- Micro-Raman: Composition and stress determination Simultaneous evaluation of surface roughness, strain and related defects
- Real-time monitoring of strain/morphology evolution on a nanoscale during thermal processing
- Defect identification: misfit dislocations, stacking faults and threading dislocations
- Surface analysis, Line Width Roughness ans critical dimension metrology on patterned surfaces by 3D AFM
- MEMSNEMS characterization (vibration, sensitivity, mechanical, thermal…)
The Joint Characterization Platform also assists partners to get access and know-how of specific processes not available at the home institution.
If you want to send a Request Form, Please, CLICK HERE