Future EC Calls for Proposals

Horizon Europe 2021 – 2027 – the next research and innovation framework programme

All information on Horizon Europe:  horizon_europe_en_investing_to_shape_our_future

The European Commission is planning to publish the work programmes after the Parliament plenary in April 2021.

The Commission has published its proposal for Horizon Europe, an ambitious €100 billion research and innovation programme that will succeed Horizon 2020.


#HorizonEU‘ s first strategic plan 2021-2024: EC sets research and innovation priorities for a sustainable future with 4 key priorities:
1⃣ Promote an open strategic autonomy by leading the development of key digital, enabling & emerging technologies, sectors and value chains
2⃣ Restore Europe’s ecosystems and biodiversity, and manage sustainably natural resources
3⃣ Make Europe enabled circular, climate-neutral & sustainable economy
4⃣ Create a more resilient & democratic European Society

Read the EC article: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP_21_1122

Download the whole Horizon Europe strategic plan 2021-2024: https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/info/files/research_and_innovation/funding/documents/ec_rtd_horizon-europe-strategic-plan-2021-24.pdf

Key Digital Technologies – KDT (replacing Ecsel)

All information on KDT: ec_rtd_he-partnerships-for-key-digital-technologies

The proposed KDT partnership will build on experience  gained from the ECSEL JU and satisfy the more demanding societal, economic and technological impact criteria of Horizon Europe. The objectives and scope will be adapted to the changing geopolitical situation and continued technological convergence, going beyond microelectronics to relevant aspects of photonics, beyond embedded software to relevant higher layers of software, beyond Smart Systems to enable intelligent Systems of Systems (SoS), and addressing important trends including the emergence of new computing paradigms, edge-computing and its link with cloud computing -in particular for AI applications, flexible  electronics and bioelectronics

NEW EUREKA Xecs Programme (replacing Penta-Euripides)