IEEE International Nanodevices and Computing Conference (INC) – including IRDS & ICRC conferences

Great success of the IEEE International Nanodevices and Computing Conference

held on APRIL 3-5 ,2019

at Minatec in Grenoble, FRANCE

INC2019 on IEEE TV!

Watch on  the videos of the presentations given at the IEEE International Nanodevices & Computing Conference  with the 6 sessions below:

  • IRDS “International Roadmap for Devices and Systems” 2019 Spring Conference
  • IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing (ICRC) with Keynote speakers – Dr. Bill Chappell and Prof. Wen-mei Hwu
  • Evening Panel: The next 20 years – IoT, Architecture, Devices, Communication
  • Session “Status and trends in Advanced Nanodevices ”
  • Session “European NEREID Roadmap” 
  • Session “Systems and Devices Roadmap Japan”


IRDS “International Roadmap for Devices and Systems” 2019 Spring Conference


IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing (ICRC)

INC Flyer 27.02

Final Programme INC

Abstracts and bios of the speakers on the conference website

General Scope

The newly reorganized International Nanodevices and Computing (INC) conference covers the continuously evolving technology ecosystem based on nanotechnology, nanodevices and computing, supporting the global information technologies infrastructure.

The INC conference includes predictions on devices for computing and communications, computer architecture, and applications. Most recent updates of IRDS (International Roadmap for Devices and  Systems) will be presented; highlights from the latest Rebooting Computing conference and from Quantum Computing workshops will be included.

In addition, state-of the-art experimental results on these topics will be presented by an international group of invited experts, covering Nano-devices and – materials in the fields of More Moore, More than Moore and Beyond-CMOS.

Related subjects from the European Nanoelectronics Roadmap (NEREID) and the Systems and Devices Roadmap of Japan (SDRJ) will be presented.

The latest results in the field of Neuromorphic Computing, Quantum Computing, Optical Computing and Energy Efficient Computing will be highlighted. A unique summary from reports of the upcoming Future NetworksTM  Beyond 5G roadmap will be presented, as well as sessions on Software and Spintronics/Magnonics.