SINANO Sustainability actions

The sustainability concept is a common purpose of SINANO members and will be supported in the following years, at National levels, at the EU level for which green electronics will become very important (e.g. EC Green Deal), at the International level with the Sustainable Development Goals that have been launched some years ago.

For Electronic systems, it is particularly important to lower the energy consumption (at material, device, circuit and system levels), to develop a cost effective circular economy, to take into account the full supply chain, to substitute critical (rare or toxic) materials, and to organize training activities, workshops and University curricula in these domains.

SINANO Competences in Sustainable Electronics and Electronics for Sustainable Societies

Very successful eFutures Conference “Electronics for Sustainable Societies”exploring how electronic technologies might shape a more sustainable future for all at Liverpool on September 2022!
This conference was co-organised by our SINANO Institute ‘s member University of Liverpool ‘s colleague : Ivona Z. MITROVIC

Presentation by Francis Balestra – Director of the SINANO Institute Sustainable Electronics & Societies – Francis Balestra

Other presentations from our SINANO Institute ‘ colleagues:
Adrian M. Ionescu – ÉPFL
Jean-Pierre Raskin – UCLouvain
Gustavo Ardila – GINP-UGA
Danilo Demarchi – IUNET/ Politecnico di Torino

Some SiNANO colleagues at the conference

All Information & Pictures

Summer School on Sustainable ICT organized by UCLouvain in Grenoble from August 29th to September 2nd, 2022 (SICT 2022)

SICT2022 aims to bridge the gap between research in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and the overarching and inter-related social, environmental, and economic questions of our time. The third edition of this doctoral summer school will critically look at the current state of ICT, challenge its mainstream research agenda and underlying assumptions, and discuss the role(s) ICT researchers can play to build a sustainable and desirable future in a finite world.
Far from limited to researchers with an engineering background, the event wishes to promote trans-disciplinary interactions on ICT topics by bringing together individuals with a broad range of expertise.


ESSDERC-ESSCIRC 2021 Virtual Workshop:Toward Sustainable IoT: From rare materials to big data ” organised by the SINANO Institute – Francis Balestra, Pascale CAULIER / NEED for IoT – Thierry Baron, Audrey Dieudonné/ HiPEAC:

Q&A and Panel session on September 20th – Moderators: Francis Balestra and Thierry Baron

Lars-Åke Ragnarsson, imec: The environmental footprint of logic CMOS technologies
Patrice Christmann: ICT and mineral raw materials: sustainability issues
Jean-Pierre Raskin, UCL: Can we cope with the upcoming massive deployment of IoT within environmental limits?
Marc Duranton, HiPEAC / CEA: HiPEAC Vision 2021: key recommendations and the importance of sustainability
Adrian M. Ionescu, EPFL: Towards a Green and Sustainable Digital Infrastructure: challenges and opportunities
Max Lemme, AMO / RWTH: Neuromorphic Computing Devices based on Two-Dimensional Materials
Paolo Gargini, IRDS: IoT: Promises, Challenges and Solutions  


ESSDERC-ESSCIRC 2021 Virtual Workshop:Toward Sustainable IoT: From rare materials to big data

The access to raw materials is a major economic and geopolitical stake for the 21st century. Key resources/materials being used today in the emerging devices for the Internet of Things (IoT) must be substituted or drastically reduced in the near future. Tens of billions of electronics objects are being disseminated all over the world in homes, buildings, cars, roads, etc., therefore it is obviously a major concern to develop a sustainable electronic industry mindful of its impact right from the conception of these objects to their final use/consumption.

In this workshop, we bring together academics and industrials in Social, Economics and Physics/Chemistry and Technological Sciences to exchange about innovative solutions to develop a more sustainable nanoelectronics ecosystem, problems and possible solutions for the reduction of energy consumption of electronic systems.

Couple Sinano partners together with other institutions launched Encos initiative “European Nanoelectronics COnsortiumfor Sustainability” in order to exchange about new paradigms in electronics design and research toward sustainability.

ENCOS White-paper


2018 ENCOS Workshop at UCL: Program

Some SINANO partners are involved in the NEED Project on sustainable nanoelectronics, which will develop methodologies integrating economic analysis, geopolitics issues, acceptability and durability of new technological solutions, to apply to advanced research.

NEED Project website

NEED for IoT Project presentation