Webinar IRDS Beyond CMOS Roadmap: Recording & Presentations

The recording and the presentations of the “IRDS Beyond CMOS roadmap” Webinar, are now available ! IEEE EDS France, IRDS and the SINANO Institute have organized this free webinar on 30th September 2021 at 17:00 Paris time.

"The Future of Nanoelectronics Devices & Systems Beyond Moore" Virtual Workshop

This one-day Workshop, supported by IEEE-EDS, will be devoted to the update of the European contribution to the IRDS Roadmap in the field of More than Moore, Beyond CMOS and Emerging Materials.

Webinar "IEEE IRDS More Moore roadmap for edge and cloud computing enablement"

Watch the recording! IEEE EDS France, IRDS and the SINANO Institute organized a Webinar "IEEE IRDS More Moore roadmap for edge and cloud computing enablement" held by Mustafa Badaroglu - IRDS-IFT More Moore leader.

Launch of the B-CRATOS project!

Successful Kick-off meeting of the H2020 FET OPEN Project B-CRATOS: Wireless Brain-Connect inteRfAce TO machineS that overcomes technological barriers of wireless brain↔machine↔body communication, and represents the beginning of a paradigm shift in how signals can be sent to restore function and empower individuals”

Interview of Max Lemme on NeuroSys

Congratulations to our SINANO members RWTH Aachen University and Research Center Jülich, part of this « NeuroSys » Consortium coordinated by Prof. Max Lemme – head of the Chair of Electronic Devices at RWTH, Director of AMO GmbH and Chairman of the SINANO Institute.

Congratulations Clivia!

Prof. Dr. Clivia M Sotomayor Torres, leader of the Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia (ICN2) Phononic and Photonic Nanostructures Group was awarded an ERC Advanced Grant for the five-year project LEIT, involving also another SINANO member VTT, which aims at developing a disruptive technology based on phononic interconnects to reduce energy consumption of electronic circuits.