Advanced Materials and Nanostructures for Disruptive Devices and Applications – May 9th in Tarragona, Spain

The upcoming workshop "Advanced Materials and Nanostructures…

Sustainable Electronics & International Cooperation On Semiconductors WORKSHOP

Semiconductors-based electronics and photonics are pivotal technologies for almost all existing industrial sectors, as demonstrated by the recent chips shortages, and are also essential enablers for digital and green transitions.

Launch of the ICOS Project: Press Release !

Horizon Europe project ICOS « International Cooperation on Semiconductors » has been officially launched on January 19, 2023 in Brussels. ICOS, a three-year Coordination and Support Action from the European Commission in the frame of Horizon Europe, was launched with its kick-off meeting held in Brussels.

EIC Info Days on the 9th February 2023: Pathfinder Challenge for Responsible Electronics and Transition Challenge for Chip-scale optical frequency comb

Dr. Isabel Obieta, Programme Manager for Responsible Electronics, will provide an overview of the EIC Pathfinder Challenge criteria and the specificities of this one. The Challenge welcomes high-risk and interdisciplinary cutting-edge science collaborations that underpin technological breakthroughs.

Best wishes for 2023 by our Director Francis Balestra!

Best wishes for 2023 with the 15th Anniversary of the SINANO Institute & the launch of the ICOS project, by our Director Francis Balestra !


SINANO & ICOS in the latest GIANT Winter Review !