Best Paper Award given at EuroSOI-ULIS2018

SINANO Best Paper Award ceremony during EUROSOI_ULIS 2018 gala dinner in Granada on March 20, 2018

UK & H2020

Commitments made by both the UK and the EU following the first phase of EU Exit negotiations.

Post Doc Position at Grenoble INP

Post Doc Position at Grenoble INP H2020 Project Nanonets2Sense

Early Registration by February.15, 2018

The 4th edition of the joint International EUROSOI-ULIS Conference will be held in Granada on March 19-21, 2018 Early registration by Feb. 15, 2018

INSIGHT Winter School

Winter School in Les 2 Alpes


4th EUROSOI-ULIS Conference on March 19–21, 2018 in Granada, Spain. EXTENSION Abstract submission Deadline: January 22, 2018