Launch of a new IRDS More than Moore chapter!
A new Chapter devoted to "More than Moore" including possibly Smart Energy, Smart Sensors, Energy Harvesting, and Flexible/Wearable Electronics is launched
4 New Open Positions!
1 Post Doc on Piezoelectric at UGA, 1 Lectureship and 1 Post Doc in Device Modelling at Glasgow & 1 PhD on Cryogenic at Grenoble INP
1st Call for Papers EUROSOI-ULIS2020
1st Call_for_Papers available.
EUROSOI_ULIS_2020 in Caen, France - March31- April2nd
INC2019 on IEEE TV
Watch on IEEE TV the videos of the presentations given at the 2019 IEEE International Nanodevices & Computing Conference
ESSDERC-ESSCIRC "Heterogeneous Integration" Workshop
Last days to register to ESSDERC-ESSCIRC 2019 with the Workshop on "Heterogeneous Integration of Nanomaterials and Innovative Devices" - Krakow, September 23rd, 2019