Launch of EU Transnational Access - ASCENT+

Dr Giorgos Fagas (ASCENT+ Programme Lead) will officially launch the access programme during the webinar on Feb.2 at 15:00


Hoping having the opportunity to meet you again in 2021, we wish…

Tribute to Androula Nassiopoulou

Androula was a great dedicated scientist and a true friend of SINANO community, a very special thought for her. We feel deep sorrow and express our sympathy and friendship to her family and colleagues.


Launch of the ASCENT+ exciting project, important for the future of Nanoelectronics in Europe! ASCENT+ mobilises an unprecedented network of knowledge and investment to open access to key European infrastructures and enable academic and industry researchers to address emerging challenges in Nanoelectronics and to accelerate innovation path-finding.

INC2020/IRDS™ Fall 2020 IFT Readouts Available on demand

After the success of the virtual "2020 IEEE International Nanodevices & Computing (INC) Conference", take the opportunity to have access to the presentations!

INC2020/IRDS™ Fall 2020 IFT Readouts virtual event on Sept. 2-3!

Register now: