Webinar on "Challenging issues in energy harvesting" - Hiroyuki Akinaga

Join us for a co-organised webinar on energy harvesting taking…
Webinar "The potential and challenges of two-dimensional materials for More-than-Moore applications" with INPACE & IEEE EDS

Join Francisco Gamiz, Professor at University of…
Join INPACE-SiNANO Institute Webinar “Interfacing, Interactions, and Integration in Quantum Photonics”

On December 18th at 9AM CET, Jehyung Kim will animate the webinar…
IEEE Distingued Lecture: Danilo Demarchi – Let the Plants do the Talking: Climate-Smart Agriculture by the messages received from Plants and Soil

New upcoming IEEE Distinguished Lecture, with Danilo Demarchi,…
Launch of the DESIRE4EU Project

SiNANO is glad to be involved in a new project, DESIRE4EU ("DESIgning…
The IRDS and International Nanodevices and Computing Conference (INC)

The IRDS and International Nanodevices and Computing Conference…