European Academic and Scientific Association for Nanoelectronics

Enhancing Research, Development and Cooperation in Nanoelectronics

About the SiNANO Institute

The SiNANO InstituteEuropean Academic and Scientific Association for Nanoelectronics, provides a large expertise in the field of Micro and Nanoelectronics with 27 renowned European research Organisations and Universities.

Our objective is to promote Research, Development and Cooperation in order to strengthen the international impact of European activities in the field of Nanoelectronic components and systems.
SiNANO is a non-profit Association established as a durable EU Network of researchers.

Our mission is to secure the future of Europe’s semiconductor science and technology, for this, we:

  • Mobilise, coordinate and represent the associated Organizations in the area of nanoelectronic devices and technologies
  • Promote the strengthening of the European scientific culture, technical knowledge and skills in the field, and exploit the synergies deriving from the complementary nature of the competencies available at our Members
  • Encourage collaboration between our Members, research bodies and industries
  • Accelerate technology transfer to start-ups and industry
  • Act as the European representative for IRDS “International Roadmap for Devices and Systems”.

Developping the nanoelectronics landscape

The SINANO Institute is particularly focusing on the convergence of More Moore and Beyond-CMOS, on one hand, and the merging of More than Moore and Beyond-CMOS, on the other hand, for developing innovative nanoscale structures that can improve performance and/or enable new functionalities in future terascale ICs and Nanosystems.

Our activities focus on:

  • More Moore (Ultimate CMOS/Memories)
  • Beyond CMOS (novel devices for ultra-low power 1D, small slope switches -NW/TFET/NEMS…, Alternative materials -2D layers…, New processes -bottom-up…,)
  • Very advanced More than Moore (micro-nano-bio sensors & systems, RF devices, Energy harvesting, Flexible & printed electronics, Power electronics etc.) fields
  • Smart Systems and System Design
  • Quantum Technologies & very low temperature electronics

Our working axes

Community engagement: Enhance internal collaborations, grow our membership and mobilise and nurture the European R&I community.

Facilitate involvements of SiNANO Members in EU projects from brainstorming to execution (dissemination, networking, international cooperation…).

Innovation: Accelerate the translation of excellent research into European know-how, technologies, and products together with our start-ups and industry partners.

Coordinate Roadmapping activities at European and International level (eg. NEREID) and strengthen International Cooperation in the field of semiconductors (ICOS Horizon EU Project).

Our members








INL – Braga